Java Projects For Final Year Students

This category consists of Java Projects with source code, CSE Final year java projects download, Java Projects ideas, java projects abstracts, projects in java.

E-learning system

e-Learning System is a web based learning system that helps the students to take the learning in incremental steps by providing the latest available content on the subjects. At it's most basic level, it is an online course with a series of online resources to help students understand and prepare for their interested subjects. Essentially, e-Learning is the realization of the concept of flexible learning, by giving the user time, resources and scope to learn at his own interest and potential.


In this, first the interested students get registered by selecting their desired username and password and by providing the necessary details. Then each user profile will be maintained which can be edited by the user when desired. After providing the correct username and password, the user log’s in to the e-Learning system’s homepage. There the user can select the available subjects to further learn about them.


E-learning system

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