Here we are providing list of ` projects whith code and documentation.
In this project we present the automatic irrigation system by using an 8051 micro controller, this irrigation network is controlled by the processing unit which is nothing but the 8051 micro controller, in order to the increasing demand for the food production we implemented the new dimension in the irrigation field with less utilization of humans, it is totally different from the conventional irrigation method used by our Indian farmers which involves manual operation and control, in this electronic era farmers not willing to face the challenges creating by these conventional methods, so we provide this automatic irrigation system which waters the plants based on the atmospheric conditions detecting the dryness of the soil, the temperature and whether conditions are displayed by using LCD’s, depending upon the signals of these LCD’s he relay will operate to excite the motor.
In this project we use a temperature sensor which senses the temperature and this sensed value is displayed on the screen, a moisture sensing circuit is used to sense the levels of moisture content in the soil and interruption signal is generated whenever the soil maintains appropriate water content in it when this sensor is on the motor stops working, this entire scenario is programmed in the micro processor depending upon the requirement of that particular conditions.
This system had several advantages, its saves a lot of energy both human and electrical energy, maintains proper water regulation by preventing loss of water, it is not complex and easily controlled even by an illiterate persons within minutes of time, the maintenance cost is very low.
Micro Controller Based Automated Irrigation System Microcontroller Project Abstract.