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BLUETOOTH DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM BASED ON AVR is used for industrial application for remote operation of different units and monitors the operation of different equipments. Bluetooth has faster rate of data transfer so that the changes in the equipment can be noticed immediately. Atmel Versatile RISC processor which is incorporated in this module will take the control lead part. The slave and master communication is done here. The master will transfer the address and the slave will check the address and if the address is matched with the assigned address of the slave then the communication network bonds the master and slave. In industries most of the equipments require the conditions and parameters of it continuously.
If the Bluetooth protocol is implemented in this place the then the data transfer can be done from the place where the module is placed to the control room. The module will transfer different parameters continuously with out any mismatch or interference of any external disturbances. This replaces the all cable protocol which reduces the place and external interference. The AVR controller has internal accesses to analog input so which is having a ten bit resolution in which we can get good precision compared to that of 8 bit controller and converters.
Bluetooth Data Acquisition System Based On Avr abstract.