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This paper discussed about fast hiding sensitive frequent itemsets (FHSFI) approach to hide sensitive frequent itemsets with one database scan and generate limited side effects.
So by this there is a possibility of saving time by only consider the actual required transactions to modified and then hide the given sensitive frequent itemsets. There is no need to deal with all the transactions to hide the sensitive frequent itemsets. FHSFI provides the facility to hide the SFI without generating many side effects but still there is loss in rule sets, so researches have been takes place to overcome this issue. The main goal of FHSFI is to hide sensitive frequent itemsets by allowing minimum support thresholds, by limited side effects and by executed only one database scan.
When the support of each given sensitive itemsets are reduced then it will help to hide sensitive frequent itemsets, and this can be achieved by modifying transaction in database but at the same time will have enough side effects due to it. So FHSFI emerged to hide sensitive frequent itemsets with limited side effects.
A Novel Algorithm for Hiding Sensitive Frequent Item Sets.